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Discover Memoirs of ACA 84/90 Set

Exploits of a group of teenagers during their secondary school life

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ACA, my ACA All Conquering Aquinas Saint Thomas Aquinas Of the once fearful forest Oliki Where pupils now go by different oriki Of a...

Spotlight: Niyi Ogunlusi

Random faces. Kids from all over the town. Everyday, they walked through the gates into our blessed school. Our set, 1984 set, was no...

Spotlight: Adefemi Obe (Obe krakra)

All of us walked through the gates of the great Aquinas College. We trundle down the Appian way, round the bend and see the great tower...


From your first day in Aquinas, you start dreaming of your journey up the ranks to the topmost class. This was usually a journey of five...

The Road trip

There are some stories that have become legends in Aquinas. Some have been retold over the years and it has now become virtually...

Labour day

It was the norm to start cutting grass once you gained admission into secondary school in our days. I resumed like every other student to...

ACA - All "Conquering" Aquinas Part 1

Everyone remembers their first time! Buhari was the ruler. He said very little back then but his crazy foot soldiers were unleashed on...

The race that never happened ..

March 1990. It was inter-house sports day. A day I have been waiting for about a month. A lot of bragging rights, support and training...

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